[It happened in just this way.

A bird sang in the night before the dawning, glistening crisp notes like fresh dew beneath moonlight.

A bird sang in the night before the dawning, stirring the sleeping dreamers beneath the scrub brush, causing one to turn over and stretch long limbs, glimpsing the shadows closed around tightly as warm hugs.

A bird sang in the night before the dawning, calling the early secret frothy clouds to gather together so that the sun, when she rose would appear behind her veils in demure grace, to hide her shyness this morning.

At the far corner of the sky, the moon collapsed all blowsy bleary into the cushions etched by the long mountains to sleep away the daylight.]



(And I did see a couple of grammatical and punctuation things after I posted this, but I’m keeping them as is because that’s part of the protocol I have for these little books. Embrace the mistakes!!!)


Stay safe, stay healthy, wash hands and love one another!!!